Elena Drobotova's client acquired a 100 m² apartment on the secondary market for her mother, an intelligent woman in her eighties. They didn't want to delay the renovation, so they decided not to alter the layout, even though it was far from ideal, with many irregular angles. Elena cleverly concealed these angles using decor. She painted the living room, including the ceiling, with a complex warm shade of paint, added a layout of moldings, and fixed mirrors on the walls – these mirrors "dissolve" the irregular angles. The kitchen retained the SieMatic kitchen from the previous interior in perfect condition. To incorporate it into the new design, the designer curated a setting with items from different eras: the walls were adorned with wallpaper reminiscent of Soviet apartments, a mid-20th-century chandelier hung above the round table, surrounded by antique chairs.
In just six months, the 90s apartment transformed into a refined classical interior, where the elderly owner can relax surrounded by her favorite books and enjoy the company of her children and grandchildren.