Moscow Happy

Povarskaya street, apartments in Moscow
In this apartment, the long-time residents of Saint Petersburg have artfully combined their extensive collection of contemporary artworks with the patriarch's preference for noble simplicity, resulting in a modern interior design with historical allusions. The newly-built home seamlessly integrates into the city's historic fabric, featuring classic parquet flooring, complemented by gypsum moldings and wooden panels on the walls. Expertly crafted carpentry, including the living room's elegant shelving, adheres to Elena's custom designs, while select pieces from Dimensione Chi Wing Lo's catalog add a touch of refinement. The calm and nearly monochromatic space serves as a serene backdrop, artfully showcasing the vibrant works from the family's treasured collection. The harmonious fusion of past and present comes to life, creating an inviting ambiance where contemporary art meets timeless elegance, crafting a unique and personalized living space that resonates with the family's history and tastes.