The renowned coastal resort town became a cherished retreat for the family of Elena Drobotova, who sought a weekend escape by the sea. Despite being situated in a multi-apartment building, the interior effortlessly exudes a rustic, country-house ambiance. Natural materials, including oiled slate and timber, exclusively grace the finishes, even extending to the bathroom. The carefully curated color palette comprises intricate, subdued hues reminiscent of the enchanting northern landscapes. The original plan incorporated a fireplace, which Elena ingeniously transformed into a cozy wood-burning stove.
As is characteristic of Elena's other projects, art assumes a significant role in the interior design. With a profound respect for the locale, a selection of works by Latvian artists, including Adolf Zardins, Valdis Bushs, and Kristaps Ankans, now adorns the walls. The decor features timeless pieces from renowned Italian brands such as Riva 1920, Arketipo, and Bonaldo. Splashes of designer lighting, such as the Verpan chandelier in the bedroom, serve as elegant accents. This approach has undoubtedly stood the test of time, as fifteen years have passed, yet the interior retains its contemporary allure.